Blog NICHT nur zum Small Business Server (SBS) WHAT!!!! another argument and complaint, electrician comes out no problem it will be fine, OK now I am losing the will to live, just leave it as assured not dangerous.. MY STORYCalled Homeseve because consumer unit crackling and sparking, Assistant said sorry your not covered as it is not an emergany WHAT!!!, spoke to supervisor and said cancel my cover, Oh ok we will send someone out, 2 HOMESERVE electricians later, no fault found, Oh ok, I will try an electricion out of the phonebook, 2 minutes in the property and identifies problem, consumer unit very dangerous and could go on fire any time now WHAT!!!!!! Sorry your not covered for consumer unit, OK so your electricians put my life in danger by not identifying problem and my electrician takes two minutes to identify, My electrician speaks to HOMESERVE,(himself angry at what they have done (OR NOT DONE) OK we will come out and put new consumer unit in free of charge Great. Live 9.5 Torrent Mac

Blog NICHT nur zum Small Business Server (SBS) WHAT!!!! another argument and complaint, electrician comes out no problem it will be fine, OK now I am losing the will to live, just leave it as assured not dangerous.. MY STORYCalled Homeseve because consumer unit crackling and sparking, Assistant said sorry your not covered as it is not an emergany WHAT!!!, spoke to supervisor and said cancel my cover, Oh ok we will send someone out, 2 HOMESERVE electricians later, no fault found, Oh ok, I will try an electricion out of the phonebook, 2 minutes in the property and identifies problem, consumer unit very dangerous and could go on fire any time now WHAT!!!!!! Sorry your not covered for consumer unit, OK so your electricians put my life in danger by not identifying problem and my electrician takes two minutes to identify, My electrician speaks to HOMESERVE,(himself angry at what they have done (OR NOT DONE) OK we will come out and put new consumer unit in free of charge Great. 773a7aa168 Live 9.5 Torrent Mac

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